5 Evolving Data Protection Laws to Reassess for Salesforce Data Privacy

Transborder flow of data protection awareness has led to a resurgence of provincial data laws, enacted to limit privacy erosion. It also applies to cloud-bound data when migrated, handled, or processed by data controllers worldwide. 

So, is it good news for data admins in Salesforce? Or, is it something too shaky to report? 

Consider it ‌an ‘inescapable imperative’. 

In the knowledge where consequences of compliance breaches can be severe, leading to; reputation damage, and purpose limitation & compliance fines, data laws ‌provide a safe stencil to improve the traceability of cloud data or Salesforce data, for instance. Thereby improving data literacy to comply by, preserving the data rights of the subjects and avoid massive fines & settlements. 

Even companies equipped with highly trained personnel and comprehensive compliance procedures may find themselves unprepared or caught off guard, if not reviewing what’s latest in ‌ privacy regulations. 

Adopting a privacy-first mindset to design and configure Salesforce processes ensures that data protection is woven into the fabric of the platform. Further minimizing the risk of privacy erosion –

Let’s take a tour around the world of data laws in this 3-minute read for a secure data culture for both businesses and their clientele.

Data Protection Laws & Legislations: A Brief History

Why The 1980s Were A Decade Of Data Protection Law Legislation?

One of the reasons was the mass globalization of information and the ability to transfer data across borders. Which raised concerns about privacy and the need for legal frameworks to regulate the handling of personal information.

Another was, in the 1980s there were significant advancements in computer technology and the widespread adoption of electronic data processing systems. As more organizations and governments began to use computers to store and process personal information, concerns arose about the potential misuse of this data.

While these laws and practices were not originally devised with the internet in consideration, they now underpin numerous legal definitions, policies, procedures, and norms that influence privacy practices in the Internet era.

Which Nation Was The Earliest To Implement A Data Privacy Law?

Germany was among the pioneers to pass the first data protection law in the world, the state of Hesse in 1970.

Other countries also developed their own data protection laws around the same time or shortly afterward. For example, Sweden enacted its Data Act in 1973, the United States passed the Privacy Act in 1974, France introduced the Data Protection Act in 1978, followed by Canada, Australia & UK. 

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) by EU: The Disruptor

Among all the European influence was major as it played a significant role in shaping data protection laws with the proposal of GDPR. 

The GDPR, a recently established regulation by the European Union, completed a four-year development process and received approval on April 14, 2016. It is set to replace its forerunner, the Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC, adopted in 1995. It was implemented in May 2018 and was disruptive due to its comprehensive and stringent approach to data protection

GDPR outlines key provisions such as granting individuals data rights, mandating lawful processing, and encouraging privacy by design. It has a broad scope, covering extraterritorial reach and regulations on data transfers, while enforcing penalties, including fines and corrective measures, for non-compliance.

Promising Economies & Their Adoption to Salesforce

Following in the footsteps of  GDPR, other geographies are also introducing new data laws and updates, building resilience in safeguarding citizen data. More strikingly these are among those excelling geographies adapting to digitalization, promising revenue in billions with the adoption of Salesforce, racing the ruling economies. 

Image representing Promising Economies & their Adoption to Salesforce

1) Japan’s APPI (Act on the Protection of Personal Information)

This law went through substantial revisions both in 2017 and 2022 and applies to all businesses having companies registered and those with offices outside, that handle the personal data of individuals in Japan. This particularly applies to sensitive data and data that will be transferred to a third party or outside of Japan. For details, you can check the official website. 

2) Saudi Arabia’s Personal Data Protection Law (PDPL)

It was enacted by royal decree in September 2021, marking the nation’s inaugural consumer data privacy legislation, also extending its application to the United Arab Emirates. Aligned with GDPR standards, the PDPL aims to safeguard individuals’ personal data privacy, overseeing the practices of organizations concerning the collection, processing, disclosure, and retention of such data.

3) Brazilian General Data Protection Law (LGPD)

A novel legal framework governing personal data usage across online and offline realms, spanning both public and private sectors. As Brazil’s inaugural comprehensive data protection regulation, LGPD closely mirrors GDPR principles, incorporating similar concepts such as consent and robust data subject rights.

4) Singapore’s Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA)

It’s effective since 2014, and underwent amendments, notably in 2021, enhancing its consent framework and specifying rules for off-shore data transfers. These revisions positioned it among the most stringent data protection laws in Southeast Asia.

5) India’s Digital Personal Data Protection (DPDP) Act

India finally stamps the doctrine of  DPDP (Digital Personal Data Protection) ‌‌as an ardent step to protect digital personal data assets against misuse and mandates that all data fiduciaries must adhere to ethical practices while processing/handling personal data. While the DPDP Act replicates many aspects of the EU GDPR, it also differs on several important points, like it only applies to digital data, the age of consent differs, the concept of data localization is not mentioned, and others.

Can DataArchiva Help To Comply With These Data Laws While Managing & Storing Salesforce Data?

As a responsible organization, it’s therefore minimal for businesses to ensure ethical data practices while migrating Salesforce to new locations as a part of their business expansion. Hence DataArchiva as a comprehensive data management suite for Salesforce with compliance features that help organizations to comply with ‌emerging regional data laws. It eventually eliminate Salesforce data localization and residency challenges, winning customer trust & loyalty.  Here are the gains-  

  • Get full access & control over data processes
  • Make compliance your strength
  • Experience zero exposure data processes
  • Seamless accessibility & better data discovery
  • Get a detailed audit history of the data processing jobs
  • Exercise data modification rights with zero tech assistance

To learn how to ensure compliance and security in Salesforce data archives you can also watch this pre-recorded webinar from our data experts! 

DataArchiva in Simplifying Compliance to Store Manage & Protect Data

Employ scalability without worrying about data compliance challenges

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