Salesforce Archive & Backup for GDPR

Archive & Backup in Compliance with European Data Privacy Regulations
Are you looking for a reliable backup and archive solution for Salesforce that supports the rights of EU data subjects?

Protect Your Salesforce Data with DataArchiva
Ensure your Salesforce data archiving & backup processes are under 100% control with DataArchiva, as it’s designed to support the stringent requirements of European data privacy regulations and retention needs. As a trusted data archiving & backup solution for Salesforce, DataArchiva makes compliance management easier by aligning data processes with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the world’s most rigorous privacy and security law. By leveraging DataArchiva, your organization can sustain operational resilience while adhering to GDPR standards. Protect sensitive information, streamline Salesforce data management, and stay ahead in the realm of data privacy with a trusted, secure, and efficient solution. Are you curious about how DataArchiva can transform your data security and compliance strategy to protect your Salesforce data? Download this datasheet to discover how DataArchiva aligns with GDPR.

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Are you looking for?

Looking for something else? Here are our other solutions built for Salesforce
which can help you transform your data & file management needs.

Salesforce External Archiving
Salesforce Data Backup & Recovery
Salesforce File Management & External Storage

Get Started

Schedule a DataArchiva demo to see how the solution can seamlessly archive Salesforce data within your Salesforce system & meet any level of complex archiving needs.