Top Networking Tips for Dreamforce 2024

Hey, Trailblazers! Ready to carve out your place at the top? Let’s explore the cutting-edge strategies that lead to success!

Transform awkward small talk into meaningful connections—elevate your networking game at Dreamforce 2024!

Every conversation is an opportunity, and whether you’re at a networking event or just meeting someone for the first time, knowing how to start and sustain a meaningful conversation is crucial.

At Dreamforce 2024, you’ll be surrounded by industry leaders and potential business connections. The excitement is real, but so is the anxiety of approaching influential figures. How do you turn those initial moments into a genuine connection? It’s about preparation, confidence, and understanding your value.

But here’s the thing: you’re not alone in feeling this way. Many of us experience that same mix of excitement and nerves. The key to making the most of these opportunities is preparation and confidence.

Remember, everyone at Dreamforce is there to connect and grow, just like you. Step forward with confidence, and turn those imagined scenarios into impactful conversations. Dreamforce 2024 could be the moment that changes everything for your business—one conversation at a time.

In this guide, we’ll share practical tips to help you start conversations with ease and make lasting impressions. With the right tools, you can turn a simple hello into a meaningful relationship.

  1. Kickstart Your Dreamforce Experience: Mark Benioff’s Inspiring Opening and Networking Opportunities

At Dreamforce, Mark Benioff kicks off the conference with a dynamic keynote that sets the stage for the entire event. His opening address typically covers groundbreaking innovations, industry insights, and the vision driving Salesforce’s future. 

This high-energy introduction not only ignites excitement but also provides valuable context and conversation starters. As he outlines the latest trends and company milestones, attendees gain a shared understanding and a common ground for deeper discussions. 

This foundation makes it easier to engage in meaningful conversations with fellow participants, whether during networking sessions or casual interactions throughout the event.

  1. Go Beyond Small Talk

If small talk isn’t your thing, you’re in luck—most people prefer deeper conversations, even with new acquaintances. Rather than the typical “What do you do?” try asking questions that encourage deeper, more meaningful conversations. 

Start by exploring recent Salesforce updates or features that excite your conversation partner. This shows genuine interest and opens the door to discussions about cutting-edge innovations.

Discuss how their use of Salesforce has evolved. This can reveal insights into their growth and adaptation, providing a richer dialogue about strategic changes and best practices.


Trailblazers network with flair at Dreamforce| DataArchiva

Encourage attendees to share their own success stories where Salesforce played a crucial role. By storytelling about successful implementations, you can highlight the tangible benefits of Salesforce in real-world scenarios. 

From tackling data dilemmas to achieving remarkable outcomes, explore how DataArchiva leads the way with innovative solutions that turn challenges into success stories. Share your experiences and see how others have leveraged Salesforce to drive success!

Sharing resources and tips for staying current can be beneficial for both parties.

By engaging in these deeper conversations, you’ll build stronger connections and gain valuable insights at Dreamforce 2024

  1. Build relationships at all levels.

At Dreamforce 2024, focus on connecting with people across various levels of the organization. Whether you’re speaking with industry leaders, peers, or newcomers, each interaction is an opportunity to build valuable relationships. 

Engage genuinely, show interest in their perspectives, and find common ground. Cultivating connections at every level can lead to unexpected opportunities and a more diverse network.

  1. Get hands-on

At Dreamforce 2024, dive into interactive activities such as quests or hackathons. These engaging events offer excellent opportunities to meet new people, exchange ideas, and spark inspiration.

Whether you’re tackling challenges or collaborating on innovative projects, these activities not only enhance your event experience but also help you connect with like-minded individuals and industry experts.

 Embrace these opportunities to broaden your network and explore fresh perspectives.

  1. Remember everyone has a shared goal

Trailblazers at Dreamforce come from various business sectors, united by a shared interest in Salesforce. If you ever find yourself running out of conversation topics, Salesforce itself is a great fallback.

With diverse motivations driving attendance—whether it’s to learn, socialize, network, or showcase products—Dreamforce offers a rich environment for conversation. Use this common ground as a starting point to engage with others and explore their interests and goals.

  1. Prepare Ice-Breaker Questions

 Use these icebreaker questions to initiate engaging conversations and build rapport with fellow attendees. 

  • “What Salesforce feature are you most excited to look into this year?”
  • “Have you been to Dreamforce before? What’s one standout moment from your past experiences?”
  • “Has any recent Salesforce update significantly impacted your work?”
  • “How does your company utilize Salesforce, and what challenge are you hoping to address here?”
  • “What’s the most creative Salesforce solution you’ve encountered lately?”
  • “Which trends in the Salesforce ecosystem are capturing your attention right now?”
  • “Do you have a Salesforce tip or trick you’ve picked up that you’d like to share?”

These questions are designed to spark meaningful conversations and help you connect with fellow trailblazers.

  1. Leverage social media

Use social media to your advantage by engaging with the trailblazers before Dreamforce 2024. Engage with their posts, participate in online discussions, and build rapport.  This proactive engagement helps build familiarity and opens doors for more meaningful interactions when you meet face-to-face.

Share insightful content related to the event’s themes, tag and mention individuals in posts to show appreciation, and join event-specific groups or forums to stay updated and involved. 

This proactive engagement not only helps you stand out but also provides valuable context for conversations, allowing you to approach networking with greater confidence and relevance.

  1. Follow Up Thoughtfully

Once Dreamforce 2024 wraps up, make sure to send personalized follow-up messages to the people you meet.

Refer to specific details from your conversation to jog their memory and reinforce your connection. Highlight shared interests or key points from your discussion to show that you genuinely value the interaction. 

Following up not only demonstrates your appreciation but also helps solidify initial meetings into meaningful, lasting relationships. This personalized touch can significantly enhance your networking outcomes and keep the momentum going beyond the event.

  1. Be Present and Listen

In the whirlwind of networking, it’s tempting to focus on what you want to say next. However, the key to forming strong connections is to truly be present and listen attentively. Pay close attention to the person you’re engaging with, and show genuine interest in their thoughts and experiences. 

By actively listening, you not only make the other person feel valued but also create a more meaningful dialogue. 

This attentive approach can lead to deeper, more impactful connections and help you build stronger professional relationships.

Know your business and goals, and be ready with a clear, concise introduction. Focus on building a real connection—ask thoughtful questions, show genuine interest, and be curious about their challenges and successes. This approach eases the pressure and makes the conversation more meaningful.

  1. Network onsite at Community Cove!

Network live at Community Cove during the conference! Located in Trailblazer Forest (Moscone West, Level 1), you’ll find sessions tailored to your role, interests, and industry. Visit to learn how to participate in in-person Community Groups, get Salesforce support, and connect with fellow attendees.

Check out the Trailblazer Networking schedule and join Community Campfires for relaxed chats with leaders who guide impactful Salesforce initiatives. These informal sessions are your chance to connect with Trailblazers from all over the world!

Not on your radar yet? We’re just around the corner, ready to turn heads!

Connecting with DataArchiva at Dreamforce 2024 can open doors to new opportunities and valuable insights in the data archiving and backup domains. We look forward to meeting you, learning about your goals, and exploring how we can work together to drive your success.

Meet us at Dreamforce to explore exciting opportunities! Whether you’re interested in our Partnership Program, eager to talk to our data experts, or curious about how archiving and backup can transform your business, we’ve got you covered. Discover how DataArchiva can elevate your data management strategy to new heights.

DF 2024: Step into Data's Future—Meet Us & Innovate!

Join us at Dreamforce 2024 and experience the future of data management firsthand. Let's connect, innovate, and take your business to new heights!

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DataArchiva offers three powerful applications through AppExchange including Native Data Archiving powered by BigObjects, External Data Archiving using 3rd-party Cloud/On-prem Platforms, and Data & Metadata Backup & Recovery for Salesforce. For more info, please get in touch with us at [email protected]
CEPTES has been a pure-play Salesforce platform-focused company since 2010. We are product magicians as well as Salesforce consulting whizzes with 1000+ customers across the world. DataArchiva is CEPTES’s flagship application listed on AppExchange