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Ways to Reduce Salesforce Storage Costs

The advent of the pandemic has resulted in a data boom & even Salesforce enterprises are not left untouched by it. As employees work from home, they generate copious amounts of data (reports, cases, documents, etc) which is stored in the primary data storage allotted by Salesforce to the enterprise, depending on its license. But this puts a massive strain on the already-limited data storage because of which either enterprises run out of data storage or end up spending a fortune in upgrading their storage.

Though we can’t help enterprises in controlling the abounding data growth in their Orgs, we sure can help them in reducing their Salesforce data storage costs. Here are the top three ways in which enterprises can keep their data storage costs in check.

Don’t Need It, Simply Delete It

Come on, this was a no-brainer. Everyone is aware of the strategy of data deletion for data storage cost reduction. According to an estimate, about 70% of the Salesforce CRM data in the storage is stale or redundant, which means that it just sits there blocking storage space & causing CRM performance issues. It’s common knowledge that data should only be kept for current business value rather than some vague hope of discovering something useful from it. 

By proactively deleting old & unused Salesforce records, log files, cases, contacts, campaigns, custom objects, events, emails, tasks, Google documents & other data from the data storage, you can make your primary storage cleaner & also reduce your data storage costs in Salesforce. But before deleting or removing any data, be mindful of the fact that the data that is being deleted is no longer needed to meet your operational, data retention, and/or compliance requirements.

Why Not Increase The Data Storage Capacity?

If deleting data is not feasible for you, as is the case with most Salesforce enterprises, then there is a better way to reduce the data storage costs, upgrading the Salesforce edition. Data storage in Salesforce is allocated according to one’s Salesforce edition and the number of standard licensed users in the organization. That is, if your Org runs on the Enterprise edition, you’ll receive more data storage than the Professional edition. Likewise, if you use the Unlimited edition, your storage space will be more than that of the Enterprise edition. 

Therefore, a great way of reducing the data storage costs in Salesforce is to increase the allotted data storage space, which can be done by upgrading the Salesforce edition that is currently in use. For this, you only need to pay the difference between the edition you’re currently using & the one which you’re upgrading to. Alternatively, you can also consider purchasing additional user licenses in your current edition which will again increase the data storage capacity & bring down the data storage costs significantly.

Want Something More Stable? Try Salesforce Data Archiving

And finally, we come to possibly the best technique for reducing the data storage costs in Salesforce, data archiving. What archiving essentially involves is the migration of the old, redundant yet important Salesforce data into a separate secondary storage for long-term retention. Ultimately, archiving can have miraculous effects on the enterprise’s data storage, both in terms of cost reduction & performance enhancement.  

While archiving, the Salesforce data is moved out of the primary data storage thereby freeing up space for newer data to be stored. This means that the allocated storage space can be used for storing data again and again meaning extended longevity of the primary storage. This also does away with the need of having to upgrade your Salesforce licenses or purchase additional Salesforce data storage. 

Also read: Top Five Salesforce Data Archiving Strategies: What’s Best For You

Also while archiving, the archival storage (being based on a low-performance, high-capacity storage medium) costs way less than the one allotted by Salesforce which again brings down the data storage costs in the long run. Also, data archiving reduces the volume of data that you may need to backup as it removes infrequently accessed data from the backup data set, thereby improving backup & restore performance, & also lowering the secondary data storage costs.

Having made you aware of the top three ways in which your Salesforce enterprise can bring down its data storage costs, we must also bring to light the limitations of the first two options. As is clear, deleting Salesforce data is not always feasible because of various data retention & regulatory compliance reasons like HIPAA, CCPA, GDPR, & more. Also, enterprises usually want to retain data in the live instance for analytics purposes as well. And upgrading the Salesforce edition comes at its own price. So the only option left with Salesforce users is to adopt data archiving strategies.

Leverage our Comprehensive Salesforce Data Archival Platform

Now there are essentially two ways in which enterprises can archive their Salesforce data; either through the use of Big Objects or by using external storage systems. To help troubled Salesforce admins looking for an efficient data archival strategy for their Org, we have a highly advanced Salesforce data archival platform (consisting of DataArchiva) in place. 

DataArchiva is a one-of-its-kind, native data archiving solution that intelligently archives Salesforce data into Salesforce’s big data-based storage system Big Objects. By leveraging DataArchiva to periodically archive data, users have reported over 85% data storage costs reduction, 5X improvement in their CRM performance, & 5X+ ROI from their archived data; all without losing data integrity & maintaining 100% data accessibility. 

On the other hand, DataArchiva External Archiving application extends the archiving capabilities of DataArchiva further by offering seamless external data archiving services to customers with an option to archive data into different external databases (Postgres, Redshift, MSSQL, MySQL, Oracle) by leveraging any external cloud (AWS, Heroku, Azure, GCP) or on-premise platforms. With DataArchiva, users can reduce their data storage costs by 85%-90%, improve their CRM performance by 10X+ times, instantly boost their ROI by 10X+ times, & generate powerful analytics reports (using BI tools). 

If you wish to gain more information about our data archival platform, be sure to check out this comprehensive datasheet. In case you have further queries about the strategies to reduce Salesforce data storage costs or about our data archival platform, you can get in touch with our experts to resolve them. 

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DataArchiva offers three powerful applications through AppExchange including Native Data Archiving powered by BigObjects, External Data Archiving using 3rd-party Cloud/On-prem Platforms, and Data & Metadata Backup & Recovery for Salesforce.

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